MIT Noah Fischer (Occupy Museum)
MODERATION Paulina Fröhlich (Progressives Zentrum)
September 17, 2011, a talking coin circulated through the New York streets of Occupy Wall Street blending outrage and humor to proclaim broken trust in capitalism. In the utopian urban camp, the talking coin met an activist from the 1970’s known for throwing pies in the face of the powerful. Noah Fischer, the talking coin of 2011, speculates on methods beyond the violence of pies for confronting dystopia head on.
After the lecture performance, we will connect live with activists from Maidan, Gezi and Algier via video-chat to remeasure utopian spaces between hope, energy and frustration.
Die Veranstaltung findet in Englisch statt. Eine Flüsterübersetzung wird bereitgestellt.
Eine Kooperation im Rahmen des Programms neue unentd_ckte narrative und dem Chemnitz Open Space der Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz.